Friday, July 27, 2007

Incarnational Mission

A little while ago, I added a quote to this month's newsletter at our church, which I edit. It's a quote from the Rev. Dr. John Stott, who recently retired. Well-worth pondering and keeping to ponder again.

"We are to be like Christ in his Incarnation...It was unique, in the sense that the Son of God took our humanity to himself in Jesus of Nazareth, but the amazing grace of God in the Incarnation of Christ is to be followed by all of us. We are to be like Christ in his Incarnation in the amazing self-humbling which lies behind the Incarnation...Entering into other people's worlds is exactly what we mean by incarnational evangelism. All authentic mission is incarnational mission." Rev. Dr. John Stott

1 comment:

Erin said...

Great quote! Definitely something worth pondering...