Thursday, September 03, 2009

Those Unexpected Answers

One of the things I love most about teaching is the unexpected answer you sometimes get to a question.

This morning the sweet girl and I were talking about the earth: how big it is, how many people live on it, its shape, what it's made of, who made it.

When we got to the "who made it," she answered "God." And I asked: "And how did God make the earth?"

The answer I was expecting was some variation on "He created it" or "He spoke words" or "He made it out of nothing" (all things we've talked about before).

What she said, after a thoughtful pause was: "Special. And just for us."

Good answer!


Erin said...

Definitely a great answer! And a great teacher to appreciate an unconventional response. :)

Beth said...

Thanks, Erin. :-) I do love those teaching moments!