Thursday, July 15, 2010

Links I Love: Preparing the Day

I've not shared any links lately, and thought I'd pop into today with this thoughtful post entitled "How to Prepare the Day for Our Children."

What I liked about this post was the way it focuses, not really on preparing the day or preparing a perfect looking life/house/meal, etc., but on preparing our own hearts as we head into the day. This is something I think all of us need to stop and think about from time to time, whether we're parents or not, but I think when you are a parent, especially of a young child, the need for some heart-time and prayer-time before the day begins feels even more necessary.

I've been feeling this need a lot lately, and noticing what happens when I lack that time. When I rush full speed ahead into a day, filled with anxieties, frustrations, or even just plain old busy-ness, the whole household knows it and feels it. So I'm praying for more time to enter the day intentionally and well, for myself and for my family. I like the way this author suggests that 5 minutes can do it, as well as two hours. That's a practical bit of discipline I can understand even attempt to put into practice!

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